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It occured to me that amidst all my eros and hooey that I have never said anything about Orgasms | Seamus O'Sparks

It occured to me that amidst all my eros and hooey that I have never said anything about Orgasms

By Seamus O'Sparks on June 14, 2013 — 1 min read

It occurred to me that amidst all my eros and hooey that I have never said anything about Orgasms. That’s weird… I like ’em. I like ’em a lot. I have ’em as often as I can, whenever I’m not being hassled…and I’m rarely being hassled. I remember my first orgasm. You should have seen the look on my face. You really should have seen the look on my probation officer’s face. The one thing I don’t like about orgasms is the word-orgasm(s). Sounds like something from a Screamy Mimi type horror film. You know, “Dark Night of the ORGASMS.” Orgasm comes from a greek root. Just like hemlock. Greek…orgasm…he smiles. I couldn’t come up with a better term. The best I could do was “Delectaboom.” Sounds a little mechanical. I know-I know, I’m gross and you’re busy. So, I wish you a delectaboomable day! Now I’m off to the alley, or the shower, or Mexico…Death is on the prowl people and I Gotta’ delect needs a’booming.

Posted in: Random

The Story of Seamus

Seamus O'Sparks is the seventh son of a Seventh Day Adventist who went on a seven-day bender starting on July 7, 1977 at a strip club called Seventh Heaven at the corner of 7th St. and 7th Ave. in the West Village.