Ahoy! My comptuer is fixed

By Seamus O'Sparks on May 6, 2011 — 1 min read

Ahoy! My comptuer is fixed and I can watch Rip Taylor and Bad Finger Videos on youtube and I feel good about so much now. So we have a little show tonight at The Gray Horse Saloon in San Marcos. It’s Cammi’s Super Hero Birthday Bash! Come dressed as a hero villain or even some morally relativistic hybrid. My hero costume will be what it always is: The Mighty SodoMIGHT!

Posted in: Chasca

The Story of Seamus

Seamus O'Sparks is the seventh son of a Seventh Day Adventist who went on a seven-day bender starting on July 7, 1977 at a strip club called Seventh Heaven at the corner of 7th St. and 7th Ave. in the West Village.