Since True Grit has been remade, let’s see what Hunter Thompson has to say

By Seamus O'Sparks on February 22, 2011 — 1 min read

Since True Grit has been remade, let’s see what Hunter Thompson has to say:” John Wayne is a final, rotten symbol of everything that went wrong with the American Dream——he is our Frankenstein monster, a hero to millions… He beats the mortal shit out of anything he can’t understand. He is a ruthless, stupid beast wit…h only one instinct——to attack, to hurt & cripple & kill.”

Posted in: Random

The Story of Seamus

Seamus O'Sparks is the seventh son of a Seventh Day Adventist who went on a seven-day bender starting on July 7, 1977 at a strip club called Seventh Heaven at the corner of 7th St. and 7th Ave. in the West Village.