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Surprised…I hardly saw any mention of this kidnapping and torture incident | Seamus O'Sparks

Surprised…I hardly saw any mention of this kidnapping and torture incident

By Seamus O'Sparks on January 7, 2017 — 1 min read

Surprised…I hardly saw any mention of this kidnapping and torture incident on any FB posts. Saw lots about Mariah Carey’s NYE performance. This…nah… I guess I am out of touch and something of a softy. This story acually made me well up with tears a little bit…All of it…Reminds me of when James Byrd was killed in Jasper, Texas… hate and hate and hate…and here we are…and what can I do? Kvetch as a limp honkey bystander…it makes me real sick…So some of you hate Trump and his people…and some of you hate Obama and his people…I see it all-posted here. Lots of hate, lots of fear…lots of ugly…some of it by me-I’m guilty too. Well, where does this all leave us? Maybe we should just concede that we’re all pigs. Pigs in the eyes of the Lord…Pigs guided by whatever “side” our hate inclines us toward. Because we sure as hell aren’t human beings trying to find the best in each other… Left/Right…fuck you both…you’re just loud. Sanctimonious pricks the lot of us. Sorry…now I am just loud and full of the rage…I hate it all and hate my part in it… Can we not do better? Comment if you want. And If you come at me with some kind of justification for any kind of myopic anti this or that, be warned: I may come back. And even if I love you, know this: I have been known to rip most bullshit to shreds…I’m a mean prick too, no better than you.

Posted in: Current Events

The Story of Seamus

Seamus O'Sparks is the seventh son of a Seventh Day Adventist who went on a seven-day bender starting on July 7, 1977 at a strip club called Seventh Heaven at the corner of 7th St. and 7th Ave. in the West Village.