GADZOOKS, Chasca had a case of the AMAZING TIMES last night!!! It was BYRONIC!!!!Thanks so much VoyagerFest for letting us be part of such a wonderful event! And big thanks to Lauren Lyman for EVERYTHING!!! Great bands, great crowd, great contraptions, and ALL those SEXY prog lovin’ WOMEN!!! Did you all know that Prog fans make better lovers? It’s true. Progressive “tastes” you see…and big words…Wanna’ see my Tarkus? We had so much FUN and everyone had such great energy! AND, my BANTER has never had a better home! A BIG RUDDY SALUTE to all of you for laughing heartily at the “Saturn Devouring His Son” impression. At the blues fests that bit is usually a swing and a BIG miss. Not at a prog event! It’s okay that you thought I was doing the Goya when it was actually the Rubens. And we all got giddy imagining a Mapplethorpe rendition. WELL DONE FOLKS!!! It’s nice to be HIGH minded and LOW brow at the same time…better lovers indeed! Polyrhythms and odd “meter” you know…THANKS ALL! <3