Well, I’ve finally decide to WRITE A BOOK. It’s going to be an autobiography. In the tradition of the great rock-n-roll bios (see anything written by a member/former member of KISS) It will give you ALL the dirt on what really happened behind the scenes in Chasca. It’s going to be called. “Chas Ca Ca: Why Everyone in the Band is a Jerk Except Me.” You’ll get to read about all of the sordid stories from the perspective of the man who made them up. Learn how Sean Hannon’s lack of a gambling problem was virtually inconsequential to the band. Learn the shocking truth behind the Wiley Koepp-Brittany Carson Koepp name similarity. Read about how Junior Scott only sometimes bought me dinner. Discover how Ray Flowers’s ceasless encouragement drove the band to practice harder. Experience first hand how Nix Nova’s reliabilty and professionalism hid a dark side of dependability and talent. It’s all there in this compelling and twisted true tale. Truth is stranger than fiction, but lies are much easier to market!!! From every hotel room that was left in nicer order than we found it to every adoring fan encounter that never crossed an inappropriate boundary, no detail is spared and no personal feelings are considered. With lots of embelishment and fabrication, this book has it all. Except for stuff that reflects poorly on me. Though I did talk about that time I ate a mushroom and had a conversation with a plant that turned into an Olmec statue head. But that’s because I was lead on by the treachery of Junior. BUY MY BOOK!!!!
Well, I’ve finally decide to WRITE A BOOK
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